Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Best Picture of "Big Head, Little Arms"

This is the picture that was taken by the Springville Museum of Art for the book they put together of the 85th Annual Spring Salon Show.  Tim won an award of Merit at this show.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

T-Rex survived first snowstorm of the year

We got the t-rex set up in the front yard just in time for the first snow storm of the year.  We loved seeing him in the snow.  The other pictures were taken just as he was moved out of the garage.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tim working on the latest project.

This piece is called "Full Throttle"


"Huey" was installed June 6th.  He is flying at 50 W. South Temple.  He is located right next to where we parked in the float waiting for our turn to enter the parade.  It is to the side of the entrance to Abravanal Hall.

"Huey" Flies

The engineers that installed the art on the poles said that "Huey" was the easiest to install.  From truck to top of pole was less than 5 minutes.

"Huey" is loaded to take downtown.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Newest Piece "Big Head, Little Arms"

This is Tim's latest piece.  If you can see, the inside is not an engine crank as usual, but a piece of wood.  The piece is balanced on the piece of wood at the bottom and will bounce when nudged.  "Big Head, Little Arms" was juried into the Springville Museum of Art and it's 85th Spring Salon.  It won a Merit Award.  There were 1100 entries and only 253 accepted with 50 Merit Awards.  We feel honored getting in as it was our first time of applying.  The show runs thru July 5.  It is a beautiful gallery and they have a good selection of really great pieces.  You can find more information at www.smofa.org.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Huey, the Utah Cricket"

Tim applied to the City of Salt Lake to be one of the 12 artist's chosen to display a piece of art for 2 years on top of poles in downtown Salt Lake.  He had to make a 12 inch model of his design.  These are pictures of the model.  We found out Saturday that Tim was accepted as one of the 12 artists.

"Cougar" SOLD

This is Tim's latest.  He calls it "Cougar".  The gallery calls it "Vicious Cat".  It is also made out of  engine parts.  It is over 5 feet long and weighs over 200 pounds.  It has found a new home in California.